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Reviewed by

Roxanne - Nutrition & Women's Health Coach


Coffee please! - The influence of coffee on your hormones

Reviewed by

Roxanne - Nutrition & Women's Health Coach

Coffee, first thing in the morning. A lot of us feel we can barely function without one. But did you know that your regular mug in the morning can upset how your hormones function? 

You see caffeine stimulates the stress hormones cortisol and insulin. And when our bodies experience too much stress, they suppress our female hormones, creating a knock on effect on your cycle, and ultimately your fertility. So the next time you pop the kettle on first thing stop and think about your cycle – maybe there’s something else you could drink? Matcha tea? Golden milk? Even decaff coffee.

☕️ Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach. Research shows that drinking coffee before breakfast will mess up your blood sugar. Unstable blood sugar levels are an underlying cause of many menstrual problems. Just before and during your period you can sometimes see an increase in your glucose levels and the first days after your period you are more likely to have low blood sugars. 

Coffee is also very acidic for the stomach and can cause reflux. If you do feel like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, we recommend that you drink at least two large glasses of water beforehand!

☕️ Genes determine how much coffee you can drink and how quickly you break down caffeine. Caffeine is broken down in the liver with the help of the CYP1A2 enzyme (which is regulated by the CYP1A2 gene). If you get a bit nervous or anxious after a cup of coffee, then genetically you will probably not be able to break down caffeine easily, and it will stay in your body longer. In that case, it is also advisable to see if you can replace coffee with something else.

☕️ Caffeine stimulates insulin and cortisol (= stress hormone) which, according to various studies, could have a negative influence on your ovulation and fertility. When our bodies experience too much stress, they suppress female hormones. Cortisol will, as it were, steal progesterone to make more cortisol. So it's a kind of robbery, based on the wrong signals. The result? A disrupted cycle. You can notice this in many ways, from severe menstrual pain to increased blood loss. Other women have their periods extended or sometimes have to wait months before they have their periods again.

☕️ Caffeine/coffee reduces the absorption of minerals and vitamins. It has a negative effect on the absorption of Vitamin B, folic acid and magnesium. Caffeine causes the kidneys to process extra magnesium. By drinking a lot of coffee you risk a magnesium deficiency. If you take supplements, it is important not to take them with coffee for optimal absorption.

If you have questions about your menstrual cycle don’t hesitate to contact us. We are in this together!