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Reviewed by

Morgane Leten - Nutrition & Fertility Coach


The Connection Between Your Hormones, Sunshine and Your Skin

Reviewed by

Morgane Leten - Nutrition & Fertility Coach

Let's take a moment to appreciate your amazing skin—it's like your personal superhero, shielding you from the outside world. But have you ever wondered about that fascinating thing called pigmentation? It's the reason behind the lovely hues that make each of us unique. Turns out, our skin color is influenced by a mix of factors, including our genes, sun exposure and our hormones. 

Today, we're diving into the topic of skin pigmentation. In this post, we’ll tell you all about how your hormones work their magic on your skin's pigmentation and how basking in the sun can impact your skin. Plus, we'll cover how your skin changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. 

Understanding Skin Pigmentation

Your skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin, produced by cells called melanocytes. Melanin absorbs those harmful UV rays from the sun and shields you from potential damage. But too much sun can throw off the balance and make your melanocytes go into overdrive, causing some pigmentation issues. 

Now, let's talk hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Your female hormones play a significant role in your skin's pigmentation. They call the shots for your melanocytes. When your hormone levels go wild during certain times like puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, it can cause some interesting changes in your skin color.

For example, during puberty, as those hormones surge through your body, your melanocytes get excited and start producing more melanin. So, say hello to freckles, darker moles, or even new spots. 

Then, in your reproductive years, things can get even more interesting. Some people might encounter something called melasma, also known as "the mask of pregnancy." It's when dark patches appear on your face during pregnancy. Scientists are still unraveling the exact cause, but hormones and sun exposure seem to be the culprit. Estrogen and progesterone may also be behind something called catamenial hyperpigmentation—skin changes that might happen during the luteal phase of our menstrual cycle. 

Skin can change again during menopause. As your estrogen levels take a backseat, your skin undergoes some changes too. You might notice a shift in its structure, a loss of elasticity, and even a thinner epidermis. Plus, we become a tad more vulnerable to those sun rays. So, it's important to give your skin some extra love and protection during this stage of life.

Impact of Sun Exposure on Skin Pigmentation

It’s time to talk about our love-hate relationship with the sun! When we soak up those rays, something fascinating happens. The ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun taps your melanocytes on the shoulder and says, "Hey, it's time to work some magic!" These melanocytes respond by producing more melanin. That's when we experience the lovely effects of tanning or, if we're not careful, the appearance of sunspots or hyperpigmentation.

There are two types of UV radiation we need to chat about: UVB and UVA. UVB rays are the ones that cause sunburns. And UVB rays also stimulate your melanocytes, triggering them to ramp up melanin production. That's why we get that coveted golden glow after a sunny day at the beach. But beware: too much UVB exposure without proper protection can lead to skin damage and an uneven skin tone. So, be smart and take care of your skin if you plan to bask in the sunshine! Cover exposed skin and remember to wear sunscreen. 

UVA rays penetrate deeper into your skin, playing the long game when it comes to damage. They're associated with those not-so-welcome consequences like pigmentation disorders and premature aging. That's why it's crucial to shield ourselves from UVA rays and keep our skin protected and healthy.

Skin Pigmentation during Pregnancy

Hormone changes during pregnancy can cause some changes to your skin. 

Thanks to increased estrogen levels, melanocytes start working overtime, resulting in some interesting skin transformations.

We already mentioned melasma—also known as the "mask of pregnancy." It looks like dark patches on your face. There is also something called linea nigra, a vertical dark line that decides to make a fashionable appearance down your beautiful baby bump. Some women may also notice that their nipples and genital area gets a little darker. It’s nothing harmful and often goes back to normal after your baby is born. 

Wear Sunscreen 

One important way to help protect your skin is to wear sunscreen. When it comes to choosing the right sunscreen, it's all about finding what works best for you.

There are two main types to consider: mineral and chemical sunscreens. Personal preference, skin sensitivity, and individual needs play a role here. Some of us love the texture and feel of chemical sunscreens, while others prefer the physical barrier provided by mineral sunscreens. It's about finding that perfect match for your skin's needs.

Regardless of which sunscreen you choose, the key is to use a broad-spectrum one with an appropriate SPF. That's your shield against both UVA and UVB radiation. And remember, sunscreen needs to be reapplied regularly as directed. 

Sunscreen is important because it can help keep skin healthy by reducing the risk of sun damage. We want to keep those UV rays at bay, preventing premature aging, sunburns, and even more serious concerns like skin cancer.

The Differences Between Mineral & Chemical Sunscreen 

Mineral based sunscreens work by creating a physical barrier on our skin's surface, like a shield against the sun's rays. How do they do it? Well, these sunscreens contain active mineral ingredients, think zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which block both UVA and UVB rays. 

Advantages of Mineral Sunscreen: 

  • Provides broad-spectrum protection. This means they shield you from a wide range of harmful UV radiation, protecting your skin like a boss against both UVA and UVB rays. 
  • Immediate effectiveness. The moment we apply mineral sunscreen, it starts working its magic, offering us immediate protection. No waiting around for it to kick in
  • They’re gentle making them a great choice for sensitive skin. They are less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions compared to their chemical counterparts

Disadvantages of Mineral Sunscreen:

  • Texture. Mineral sunscreens can be a bit thicker compared to other options. So, yes, they might leave a slight white layer on the skin. But hey, a small price to pay for that incredible protection, right?

Chemical sunscreens on the other hand, contain chemical compounds like oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, and octisalate. These compounds work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat, which is then released from your skin.

Advantages of Chemical Suncreens

  • Ease of Application. These sunscreens often have a lightweight and smooth texture, making them a breeze to apply and blend into your skin. 
  • A cosmetically elegant finish. Chemical sunscreens are formulated to provide a more aesthetically pleasing feel and finish on your skin. They effortlessly blend  in without leaving that notorious white film. It's the best of both worlds—effective sun protection and a flawless, natural look.

Disadvantages of Chemical Sunscreens 

  • Time. Chemical sunscreens typically take about half an hour to start working after application. So, while you might need a little patience, trust that they'll kick into gear and shield your skin from those UV rays. 
  • Deeper penetration. It's worth mentioning that these sunscreens have the potential to penetrate deeper into the skin and enter your bloodstream. But fear not, extensive research has been conducted to ensure their safety.
  • Skin Irritation and Sensitivity. For some people, chemical sunscreens can cause skin irritation or sensitivity. 
  • Potential hormone disruption. There have been discussions regarding their potential impact on hormones. While the scientific community continues to explore this topic, rest assured that regulatory bodies closely monitor the safety of chemical sunscreens.

Vitamins and Minerals to maintain a Healthy Skin and Pigmentation

Getting radiant skin goes beyond the realm of skincare products and routines. Did you know that the food we eat has a direct impact on our skin's health and radiance? It's true! Our skin craves essential vitamins and minerals to thrive from the inside out, playing a vital role in regulating pigmentation and maintaining that gorgeous glow we all desire. Here are some of the various nutrients that play a role in supporting our skin's health. 

  • Vitamin C : Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal skin function
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.
  • Vitamin B complex: The B vitamins, including B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B8 (biotin), contribute to the maintenance of normal skin.
  • Zinc: Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.
  • Copper: Copper contributes to normal skin pigmentation.

    In Summary 

    So what’s the secret to healthy, radiant skin? Nourishment from within, combined with proper sun protection and extra care during life's transformative moments like puberty, pregnancy and menopause. It's a holistic approach that includes a well-balanced diet, essential vitamins and minerals, and the shield of sunscreen. By doing all these things regularly, your skin will thank you! 

    Still have questions about your skin? Get in touch via our live chat support. We will help you with love, so that you feel guud every day of the month.