Food and Fertility
Reviewed by
Morgane Leten - Nutrition & Fertility Coach

If you’re trying for a baby, you’re probably already aware that you should take care of yourself. Whether that’s maintaining a regular exercise routine or trying to reduce stress, everything related to your overall wellness can help improve your odds of conceiving. So it should come as no surprise that what you eat plays a big part in the baby-making game. While there are no magic foods for getting pregnant, there are several easy changes that can help prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.
In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the fertility diet: what to eat, foods to avoid and supplements that can help.
Fuel Up On…
Fruits and Vegetables
You can’t really ever go wrong by adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Research confirms that women who eat tons of fruits and veggies have lower incidences of ovulatory and fertility issues so head to your local supermarket and stock up! Try to ensure you’ve got some sort of fruit or vegetable with every meal and eat a variety of colours and types. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and Swiss chard contain essential prenatal nutrients like calcium, iron and folate, not to mention tons of vital daily dietary fibre.
If you’re not a big fan of whole fruit or salads, try juicing or making a smoothie. You might be surprised how much spinach you can pack into a smoothie without even noticing it!
Vitamin B
One of the most important B vitamins for fertility and health fetal development is folate or B9. Folate is vital to both male and female fertility. A low intake of folate is associated with an increased risk of neural tube birth defects like spina bifida. The guud news is that it’s easy to get these essential nutrients. While you can find B6 in a variety of foods like turkey, peanuts, milk and potatoes, you can find B6 and active folic acid in Guud Flow and you can also find B6 in Guud Vibes too. Both are safe to take together if you’re trying to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding.
Fats have a bad reputation but they are super important if you’re trying to have a baby. Healthy, plant-based fats in moderation like nuts, oily fish, avocados, olive oil and grapeseed oil can help reduce the inflammation in the body. This, in turn, helps promote regular ovulation and general fertility. If you struggle to get enough healthy fats through food alone, you can add a supplement like Guud Inside to your routine.
Healthy, plant-based fats in moderation are an important part of any balanced diet. Nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grapeseed oil can help reduce the inflammation in the body, which helps promote regular ovulation and general fertility.
Beware though, not all fats are created equal. Try to avoid trans fats found in processed snacks like fries and packaged foods. Trans fats increase insulin resistance which can lead to ovulation disturbances.
Foods with Antioxidants
Try adding some foods high in antioxidants like raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. They all contain natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients which are two things that can improve fertility (in women and men!) This study showed that women with a high fruit intake had a significantly reduced chance of infertility issues.
Complex Carbohydrates
If you’re trying for a baby, you can say yes to complex carbs! They get axed from many mainstream diets but if you are trying to get pregnant, you have carte blanche to eat them. Think of things like quinoa, whole grains, brown rice and oats. But be gentle with refined carbs as they can mess with your hormones.
Guud to know: You need carbs to ovulate. Add some gentle, complex carbs like sweet potato, rice or potatoes during dinner;
Zinc is an important nutrient if you're trying for a baby. Studies have shown that zine helps to support fertility and pregnancy. You can find zinc in tons of different foods. Chickpeas, lentils and beans are good options. You can also get zinc from nuts and seeds like hemp, flax and pumpkin. Try adding them to your salad or on top of yogurt. Eggs and whole grains are also good sources of Zinc. And, if you want to ensure your zinc intake is top notch, try adding a supplement like Guud Flow to your routine.
Guud to know: ZInc also has a positive impact on the sperm quality! Yes, it takes two to tango.
Read more about food and fertility here.
Vitamin D and Iodine
Vitamin D and Iodine are important for overall health but if you’re trying for a baby, they are game changers! Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a hormone. It’s made from the same building block that is needed to make estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and steroid hormones. Luckily, you don’t have to work too hard to get these essential nutrients. You can find them in eggs, liver or fatty fish, or just get out in the sunshine! The sun is our primary source of Vitamin D, so make sure you’re spending some time in nature everyday,
Many sources point to the importance of having iron in your diet to promote fertility. Women who have adequate levels of iron often get pregnant more quickly. You can get iron from animal sources such as meat, poultry and fish, but you can also get it from vegetables such as spinach, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbages and mushrooms. Tip: if you get iron from plants, add some Vitamin C for better absorption.
When you’re trying for a baby, you already have a lot on your mind so thinking about whether or not you’re getting the right nutrients through food can be a challenge. That’s where a supplement can help. Take a prenatal multivitamin with at least 400 milligrams of active folic acid, such as Guud Flow to put your mind at ease. Start with a multivitamin like Guud Flow three months before you try to conceive.
Watch Out For…
If you’re trying for a baby, the key is nourishing your body with healthy food. Of course, it’s fine to treat yourself once in a while but you should limit your intake of sugar, processed and fried foods. You don’t need to be militant about it, but the following things should appear occasionally in your diet, not every day:
- Sugary drinks like soda
- High carb food like pasta and bread
- Processed meats
- Processed or packaged foods
- Excess alcohol
- Excess caffeine
Want to know more about boosting your fertility? Check out our blog post on the connection between nutrition and fertility here.
Do you want more information about how to prepare your body for pregnancy? Contact us. We can help you.