Tik tok, there's your biological clock
Reviewed by
Rebecca Verhofstede - Midwife Cycle & fertility Expert

25 and still single, 30 and not married yet, 35 and no kids? Deadlines that really don't make anyone happy. But unfortunately it's an unwritten rule in society. But is this really necessary? Do we need to have children before a certain age, for example, because of our biological clock?
Let's start by saying that you should never, ever move in together 'quickly', just because you need to have a child 'on time', purely because society expects it from us. You determine your own path, at your own pace. That being said…
What about our biological clock? ⏰
Okay, we're not going to sugar-coat it. Our biological clock certainly exists. We are talking about the age at which a woman can become pregnant fairly quickly and spontaneously.
The chance of a spontaneous pregnancy decreases after the age of thirty-five. But that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant if you're over 35. By using modern techniques like egg freezing and IVF, many women still have a chance at a healthy pregnancy.
First things first: how many eggs do you have?
You are born with all the eggs you will ever have (around 1-2 million immature eggs). From then on, a number of eggs die every day. But don't panic, you still have about 300,000 to 500,000 left at the beginning of your reproductive phase. This phase starts when you menstruate or get your period for the first time.
Your eggs only begin to mature when you first menstruate. During your fertile period, a total of about 400 eggs develop.
You are most fertile in your twenties and thirties. The quantity and quality of your eggs decreases from the time you are 30, and from the age of 35 it goes downhill even faster.
What happens during your fertile years?
During your reproductive or fertile years, about ten follicles grow per ovary every month. Only one egg matures completely. And only this egg will venture into the great adventure of ovulation. Unfortunately, the other eggs that have grown will die again.
What happens to your eggs when you take hormonal birth control?
Hormonal contraceptive methods (such as the Pill, NuvaRing, or the hormonal IUD) suppress your ovulation. This means that while eggs mature in your ovaries, none of them reach maximum growth and are released from the ovary for fertilization. These matured eggs do not survive. They die and are then absorbed by the body.
So no, you don't have extra stock if you take the pill.
Healthy habits for healthy eggs
Some studies show that your eating habits can play a role in maintaining the quality of your eggs. And the quality of the female egg has a major impact on the health of the baby. But the health of the egg is also very important for women who do not want to have children.
The healthier your egg and follicle (egg vesicle), the better the hormones estrogen and progesterone can be produced. These are important for a healthy menstrual cycle.
Healthy fats
Healthy eating can help keep your eggs healthy. Healthy fats (Omega-3) are especially important.
Studies have shown that if you often eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, it can help improve the quality of your eggs and. So, to support the quality of your eggs, you need to eat enough healthy fats.
Healthy fats are fats with a high percentage of unsaturated fat and a low percentage of saturated fat. They contain enough omega-3 fatty acids and little omega-6 (you absorb enough of this with a normal diet).
Omega-3 is, just like magnesium, important for your progesterone levels. Progesterone is one of the most important hormones for a healthy pregnancy. The production of progesterone after conception is extremely important. It prevents your body from rejecting the embryo, ensures that the uterus remains in optimal condition and that the growth of mammary glands is stimulated.
Read: A Healthy Cycle and Pregnancy thanks to Guud Woman
Where can you find healthy fats and how much should you eat to keep your eggs healthy?
You can find healthy fats in fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines, also known as omega-3 fatty acids). Not so into fish?
You can also find omega-3 in nuts, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil, hemp oil and walnut oil. Organic eggs also contain good fats. Replenish your reserves with a supplement made from algae oil.
You need about 80 grams of healthy fats per day.
Some examples of healthy fats in grams:
- One tablespoon of olive oil: 13.5 grams
- One avocado: 30 grams
- 20 almonds: 10 grams
- A portion of salmon: 15 grams
Want to know more about the quality of eggs? We are fans of the book "It starts with the egg
Is freezing your eggs a good idea?
Are you over 30 and don't really have the desire to have children yet? Or maybe you haven't found the right partner? Then freezing your eggs can be a decision that gives you peace of mind. It will never give you 100% certainty, but it can certainly be an option. If you think freezing your eggs might be an option for you, we recommend that you get more information from your gynaecologist.
If you freeze your eggs, you prevent the aging of your eggs and it keeps their quality stable. This way, you don't have that biological clock to weigh you down.
The freezing of eggs is often not reimbursed by insurance companies and it costs about the same as an IVF process.
To finish...
Uncertainty kills. So if you have any doubts or questions about the future of your fertility, find the information you need. Talk to your doctor, read books, or chat with us.
Still feeling the pressure to have kids soon? Remember, it's not all about your age. Your physiology, lifestyle and your partner play a major role. So don't be fooled!
Do you have any more questions? Let us know. We want to help you become the best version of yourself. With our supportive range of supplements for women, you are sure to feel Guud. Every day of the month.